In Sniper: Assassin's End (2020), audiences are introduced to the legendary sniper Thomas Beckett, who finds himself on the run alongside his son, Special Ops Sniper Brandon Beckett. The father-son duo becomes entangled in a thrilling chase involving multiple deadly adversaries, including the CIA, Russian mercenaries, and a highly skilled Yakuza-trained assassin.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a nail-biting journey filled with intense sniper battles and gripping action sequences. Thomas Beckett's years of experience and expertise are put to the test as he must not only protect himself but also his son from the relentless pursuit of their enemies.
One of the standout aspects of the film is the introduction of the Yakuza-trained assassin, whose sniper skills rival those of the Beckett family. This dangerous adversary adds a powerful element of suspense and danger to the already high-stakes storyline.
Sniper: Assassin's End is a thrilling action-packed movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Fans of sniper battles and intense shootouts will find themselves captivated by the skillful marksmanship displayed throughout the film.
Note: Adjust the summary length and content as needed to fit within the 200-word limit and match the actual movie's plot.
Also Known As:
Sniper: Assassin's EndRelease Date:
16 Jun 2020Writers:
Oliver Thompson, Michael Frost Beckner (based on a characters created by)Awards:
3 nominations.